The article Why Digital is Better by Dan Black talks about how the old fashioned newspaper is being replaced by the more convenient and eco-friendly cell phone. Todays youth is now growing up in a digital period, digital articles and information have always been the easiest form of research. Ever since elementary school teachers teach the basics of comupster research to children. In fact one of the first lessons is how to use google in the. Having that ability now is key because for research google is the easiest way to get material and sources of information for writing assignments and what not.
Since I grew up in the digital age i was never truly taught how to find information without a computer. Lacking the ability to find information without google definitely hinders the research paper process. This is because if problems occur with google all that someone can do is change the words in the search box. This is not necessarily a negative effect it just limits the writer.
Technology is constantly changing and more recently phones are getting bigger. They are not the size of newspapers but the new iPhone 6 plus is certainly not small. This being said newspapers just get in the way. “But my iPhone is small and silent – a stealthy way to consume media.” (Blank). Ever since the mobile phone anyone can access any article they want any where at any time. This is super convenient compared to the newspaper or magazine. A newspaper is big and clunky and often takes two hands to use, the phone on the other hand only uses one hand and is much more practical to use in crowded places.
Ever since the mobile phone people have been reading less paper articles and more on their phones. You no longer have to bring an entire newspaper into the bathroom just to read one interesting article. With the mobile phone you can read as many articles as you want, granted you have the time for that. Another key thing is that mobile phones are eco-friendly, not having to worry about recycling yesterdays newspaper just closing the window in safari.
Growing up in the digital world is much different from the past. Now we have phones with endless articles and size efficient. Although the newspaper was a kew part of society at one point. It is now an out dated source of information.